Ayurveda Treatment in India
Best ayurveda treatment in India provide excellant , Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement symptoms that begin gradually, sometimes beginning with a barely noticeable tremor in one hand. Kerala Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease assures you of a renewed life.
Tremor is common but the disorder also causes stiffness or slowed movements.
Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurological disorder in which degeneration of neurons in the substantia nigra in the brain leads to a deficiency of dopamine. Before getting Kerala Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease, research the symptoms.
Tremor – The tremor or shaking usually begins with a limp often in the hand or fingers.
Slowness of movement – Over time, Parkinson’s disease can slow your movement, making a simple task difficult and time-consuming.
Muscle Stiffness – Muscle stiffness may occur in any part of your body, and stiff muscles can be painful and limit your range of motion.
Imbalanced posture and balance – Posture may slouch and may have a balance problem
Loss of Automatic Movements – Decreased ability to perform unconscious movements including smiling, blinking, etc
Speech changes – may speak softly, quickly, falter or hesitate before speaking
Writing changes – Typing may become difficult and writing may appear small.
Parkinson’s disease known as Kambavatha in Ayurveda is a neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system, and on the basis of signs and symptoms Parkinson’s disease is described under Vata Nanama Vikara in Ayurveda.
1- Kamba (the tremor)
2- Stampa (hardness)
3 – Chistasanga (Bradykinesia and Achinacea)
4- Fatafikriti (disorder of speech)
Management of P.D in Ayurveda with multi-modal therapy in the form of pancha-karma procedures like apemka, swedenna, shru-wasti, nasya, masti-ybana-wasti etc. along with internal herbal medicines. Believe in Ayurveda to get a complete cure from Parkinson’s disease
Why best ayurveda treatment in India for Treatment of cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is defined as a non-progressive neuromuscular disorder of cerebral origin. The motor disturbances of CP are often accompanied by disturbances in communication and cognitive behavior. Cerebral palsy may result from poor brain development and organization, perinatal hypoxia, birth trauma, acid-base imbalance, metabolic disorders, intrauterine infections or acquired infections, and these factors may be during surgery, during childbirth or in the postpartum period. Birth. Cerebral palsy treatment in Kerala is among the most demanding in Ayurveda.
What is spastic cerebral palsy?
Depending on the distribution of spasticity, it may be spastic tetraparesis, hemiplegia or hemiplegia. Early diagnostic features include abnormal newborn reflexes, feeding difficulties, persistent crusty thumbs after 3 months of age, and persistent constipation. Do not bend his knees or hips.
Hypotonic cerebral palsy
They are often severely mentally retarded, muscles may show asymmetry of the fibers and delayed central nervous system deformity is common.
Extrapyramidal cerebral palsy
Clinical features include dyskinesia, dystonia tremor, and rigidity, arms, leg, neck, and trunk may be involved. Deafness is common, hypotonia, reflex ataxia, and the appearance of intentional tremor.
The management plan should focus on improving posture, reducing tone that prevents contractures and early stimulation is essential. The line of treatment should be adopted in Ayurveda like dha and kara like snehna, swedhna, abhyamka, wasti, sneha, rigna, shrodhara nasya etc. but all these therapies should not be applied in the slightest (low digestive activity) and either lakshna, thus the akni is corrected Mantia and amma pjna by Dipna pjna drugs. Through the procedures of our course followed by the procedures of Srunka Abiamka and Bashba Sweda and others, the procedures reduce disability in CP. During planning the treatment line of Mandakni, Amma, Sitta, Kabha and Sitta should be considered. Rukshna procedures like Adurna are helpful in reducing spasm. Welcome to experience Cerebral Palsy treatment in Kerala
Multiple sclerosis treatment in Kerala
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease, and it is an inflammatory neurological disease affecting the central nervous system, in which MS attacks the myelinated axons of the central nervous system, leading to the destruction of the marrow and axons to varying degrees, and the disease is initially characterized by bouts of reversible neurological deficit, Which is often followed by gradual neurological correction over time, and the disease is diagnosed on the basis of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and examination of cerebrospinal fluid, and the cause is unknown, but it appears to involve a combination of genetic susceptibility and a non-genetic trigger such as a virus and metabolism or biological factors that act together It leads to a persistent autoimmune disorder that leads to a recurrent immune attack on the central nervous system. Find us as the best hospitals for multiple sclerosis treatment in Kerala
Clinical features of the treatment of multiple sclerosis
Optic neuritis – pain and loss of vision
Numbness or weakness in one or more extremities, usually on one side of the body.
Sensation of an electric shock that occurs with certain movements of the neck.
Tremor, hypochondria, or unsteady gait
Partial or complete loss of vision often accompanied by pain during eye movement.
Prolonged double vision
Symptoms of MS may include slurred speech, fatigue, dizziness, and trouble with sexual function, bowel and bladder function.
In Ayurveda, multiple sclerosis can be associated with sunnyu sada or aggravation of vata in sunnyu, vata is caused by samapitha, samakapha and samavata moving into majadhattu, and when it accumulates in the body it migrates through the circulatory system (& kapha in rasa & raktha dhatu) and is deposited in places Different from the body, and once deposited either in Dadu begin to attack the tissues or provide a favorable environment for viral or bacterial growth, we offer you premium quality of multiple sclerosis treatment in Kerala
MS is treated in Ayurveda with anklina therapies to remove the accumulation of ama and dosha and powerful purification methods (sodhana) are suggested such as panchakarma to remove the deposits of ama + doshas in the body, samana therapies are also used with the person for a long period of time when the person is very young, and old in Too old, too weak, too frail, and the primary form of samana therapy is Dinacharya (the Ayurvedic lifestyle includes nutriments and helium).
Physiotherapy in Kerala is a healthcare profession with access to many physical pursuits in the prevention, treatment and education of patients with or without health problems related to dysfunctions of the neuromusculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. As the best physiotherapy hospital in Kerala, our physiotherapist works with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers in a specialty hospital to provide comprehensive care in line with the achievements of our patient. We understand our responsibility to perform through assessments and design individualized treatment packages that may be in cooperative exercise areas or use electro-physical modalities to improve regeneration.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
Our physiotherapy treatments include services to develop and maintain maximum mobility and functional capacity and restore functional ability throughout life. Our physiotherapists in Kerala provide services in conditions where movement and function are challenged by ageing, injury, disease, disorders, conditions or environmental factors. We guarantee our services for both local and international people to get back into their lives. We include traditional methods to ensure results oriented best ayurveda treatment in India
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