“Swasthya swastha rakshanam”
“Athurasya vikara prashamanam”
This is the prime motto of ayurvedic medical science.so here nowadays we are very panic about covid 19 and we are going much care on personal hygiene as well as less bothered about our immunity. Kerala , a well appreciated place in the world to fight against Covid 19. Definitely immune therapy treatment in Kerala will more effective to your body.
So here let’s discuss about immunity? And how to improve our immunity?
The ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized WBL’s.
How can we improve your immunity?
On the whole your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease causing micro organisms.
The idea of boosting your immunity is enticing, but the ability to do so has proceed elusive for second reason. To function well it requires balance and harmony. There are direct link between life style and enhanced immunity system. Immune therapy treatment in Kerala ensure better health.
How to strengthen your immunity system?
Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy life style.so for that to increase your immunity you should increase the quality of blood and blood components.so that is very corresponding to our diet.
Healthy immune system warriors need good and regular nourishment.so for that we should improve our digestive capacity. That to by external and internal ways.
Internal way is two 1.food 2.medicine
In Ayurveda lot off medicine like indukantham ksh ,dashamoolakaduthrayam etc. Some time we can’t collect this medicines, that time we can think about single drug herbal medicine like
*turmeric *cardomen *tulasi *cur cumin *lemon *mustard *mint *black pepper etc. these herbal drugs will response the taste of the flavor’s of food as well the digestion of the individuals. That will help to improve food absorption in our body and help to improve immunity.
We introduce a new therapy ,its name immune therapy. Our main motto of this therapy is improve immunesystem.it will help to defend various virus attack. Other benefit of this treatment is helping to you bring back to normal life after any virus attack, chemotherapy .or any other disease.
We have two way of treatment modalities, external and internal treatment. We give special natural decoction for gain immunity. These help to improve digestion and help to improve our antibodies activities. External treatment like pizhichil,navarakizhietc will help to improve body strengthen and also give strengthen for immune system.
All treatment therapies are managed to depend on the condition of the patient and severity of the disease. To debate your condition and to understand more about Ayurvedic treatment options for immunotherapy and treatment cost, book a meeting now. Find best Immune therapy treatment in Kerala ensure better health.
BY: admin
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